Luke: i saw the stupid tshirt! Jordan: haaaaahaaaaa Luke: its quite stupid Jordan: you just want me to think that so ill take it off and no one will find out youre bin laden. well, GUESS WHAT: Iraq is cooperating, so youre in deep SHIT! Luke: jordan don't be stupid Jordan: POOPY-CACA, LUKE!!!!! POOPY-CACA!!!!! Luke: you don't know what your talking about. you need to shut up for a moment and listen to reason. stop talking stupid. Jordan: whats your reason then? Luke: reason? Jordan: you just said there was reason. why kill innocent people, have reason for that? Luke: jordan, your just trying to piss me off, and its working... and i can do the same. its really easy Jordan: no you cant Luke: il steal your crutches (at the time, Jordan was confined to crutches because of a broken ankle) Jordan: then ill just tackle you Luke: sure... i can run a little faster than you Jordan: i can hop Luke: you sure can. you keep on hopping Jordan: and if all else fails i can smile and stare at you until you bring them back Luke: uh huh. that won't work on me Jordan: yes it will Luke: you keep on believing that Jordan: alright then!