Religion and Mythology of Zaynktooks
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Religion and Mythology of Zaynktooks
A majority of Zaynktooksians and Ligtafs believe in qylUge, this involves two gods, one is named qeldare (a Zaynktooksian) and the other is called gylUre (a Ligtaf) and they were the only two creatures in existance. They both wondered seperately through an infinite abbyss until the day they met and instantly fell in love. About dUlargel lavu later, gylUre gave birth to the star of Zaynktooks (about the size of a basketball) and it grew to its full size and had a full colony of Ligtafs in about dUlargel edvAehu. About dUlargel edvu after the star was born, qeldare gave birth to Zaynktooks and about dUlarge lUqu later it was at it's full size bearing it's first life when the star blew up sending most of the Ligtafs to Zaynktooks. gylUre was devistated and closed off Zaynktooks from reality. As a gift to gylUre, qeldare created the rest of the universe. gylUre was so pleased that she gave Zaynktooks a moon of pure water.
Their belief of life after death is interesting, they believe that their life is is represented by a square, they walk along through the square starting at point 1 (the upper left corner) resembling birth and all the way back to point one again (now resembling death) , the other points resemble obstacles throughout life which everyone has. Of course there are always more than three obstacles but this is a traditional simplified example, once at point on again there is a line going diagonally from it almost to the center. The line connects to a circle in the middle. The line resembles something called "the trail of learning," you walk down it and gain infinate knowledge and at the end, is immortality, resemmbled by the circle.![](lifesquare.gif)