
Peanuts was a comic about peas and nuts… or so it should have been. We decided do a comic about nuts in poop. We really didn't follow that comic, it wasn't funny. Not at all. As Charles Schulz grew old, so did his comic. It also lacked any sense as he began to forget what his individual comics were about half-way through making them. Ours doesn't make much sense either, though, too. We've already lost our minds. I wonder if we have any chocolate.

Chunky Brown and Ploopy's disturbing debut. Spence 3/15/00

Chunky and his first pet. Jordan 4/2/00

Chunky and Juicy playing basketball. Spence 5/27/00

Chunky flying his kite. Jordan 5/28/00

Ploopy gets a dog house Spence 6/1/00

Sinus gets a new yoyo Jordan 6/17/00

Footsock wrecks Ploopy's box Spence 9/23/00

Chunky Brown's Pitcher's Mound Jordan 10/15/00

Sinus borrows Schrödinger's bugle Spence 11/13/00

Chunky plays more baseball Jordan 4/1/01

Translations into Zanktooks

Chunky Brown and Ploopy's disturbing debut. Spence Translated on 9/23/00

Chunky and his first pet. Jordan Translated on 9/23/00

Sinus gets a new yoyo Jordan Translated on 1/27/01